Tuesday, May 15, 2012

So what we did yesterday in our class for CSG Production. Looks like we have a TON to work on. PPFFFFFTTTTT!! 
Post Mortem
  • Effort in making a game.
  • Good Agile practices are required. Learned Agile, Kanban, Scrum
  • Better understanding in Unity, better confidence.
  • Constantly strive for improvement, cannot become stagnant.
  • Learned our skill sets
  • Learned mobile, internet, touchscreen, GPS, Kinect, standard controller, and collaborative development.
  • Sprint 0-most important sprint
  • Learned to work through our differencesA
  • Heavy communication
  • Time management
  • Learned definition of ARG/AUG
  • Defined technology first and fit story into it.
  • Lean practices
  • Importance of project management
  • Hype machines for AUGS and ARGs

Sprint 5 RetrospectiveBad
  • Not enough hype
  • Scope
  • Infighting
  • People slipping through cracks, ie; Silcat, communication, and production was poor
  • Poor asset management
  • Too many redesigns
  • Too lenient with certain individuals!!!
  • Technical requirements not followed or changed
  • Attendance!!!
  • Planning
  • Too much time wasted on certain assets
  • Poor leadership
  • Low morale
  • Came together
  • Finished product
  • Improved our communication
  • Improved Silcat usage
  • Better metrics for performance
  • Used outside sources when needed
  • Dedication
  • Leadership improved
  • Overall less infighting
  • Improved transparency
  • Follow pipelines, hierarchies-Determine what pipelines are. Define hierarchies in visual form. Follow both.
  • Stand-ups and communication-What you've worked on, what you're going to work on, and problems you've had. Also share work. No lone ranger "crap".
  • Determine work agreement earlier-Determine in Sprint 0.
  • Technical requirements-Spikes and chores follow them literally, no changes unless everyone agrees upon. Determine in Sprint 0.
  • Leadership quality-Pick leaders based on merit rather than what have they done. All areas
  • Updating Silcat-Handhold, establish rules of using Silcat. Estimate time better
  • Attendance both in class and meetings, leads need to dig, don't schedule events during meetings. Put in that extra effort and find work-arounds
  • Tempers-Leave at the door, breathe, count to 10
  • Egos-Leave at the door, team>you
  • Conflict resolution-Involve leaders, seek it in person not online. Compromise
  • Ask for help-Speak up, speak up when you don't have anything to do
  • More over seeing-Leads take a look around every now and then to check up on production
  • Planning; do more of it. Sprint planning, spikes, chores, and longer periods Understand our velocities and capacity!!!
  • Morale-Give kudos, share positive experiences, work more faster
  • Visual Build-Better lean practices
  • Collaboration-Pokerplan, user stories,share work, and meta meetings Use a forum
  • Everyone, especially Mario makes a FB

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Well Portfolio Night was kind of a bust. We ended up not having anytime to get the Radar done properly and get any bug testing done. We ended up pumping and extra 2.5 hrs into trying to get it together while we had our Larpers sitting upstairs waiting. BAH well we gave it a really good shot being 1st semester students. Well here is out Burndown chart.

We did better this time around but I know we can do better.

Friday, May 4, 2012

AGGH last minute redesign for the radar...BAHH!!

Objective: Get the player to travel across the portfolio night floor to retrieve codes for riddles we provide. We also intend to make it an environment where employers are encouraged to talk to the portfolio presenters for clues and information on the game itself. These will get people talking and providing networking opportunities.

Gameplay: When the player selects the radar button the radar appears with a map of the 6th floor that has ten blinking lights flashing. The map is a static map the doesn’t move and isn’t attached the email but does share several distinctions 6th floor, such as vending machines, arches, doorways, and rooms.  The lights indicate the location of a machine part and also doubles as a GUI button. When pressed a pop up appears with a riddle. When the riddle is solved the light ceases to blink.

Player enters the radar through the main menu
Player sees the blinking lights/buttons
Player presses one of the blinking lights/buttons
The riddle scrolls up in from of the radar.
Player then walks to those points to find the riddle answer.
Once they find the answer and input the code into the decloaker the decloaker sends a signal back to the radar to stop the blinking of the light and dim it slightly.

GUI (exit button)
Blinking GUI
Riddle scrolling with close button
Script from decloaker to Radar to change the state of the gui button.

Things to change: take out GPS functions.
Turn blinking lights to selectable GUIs
Insert map into radar
Increase size of radar background
Link Decloaker to for single to turn off the blinking gui.

Optional gameplay elements if we need to without coding:
Provide a less detailed map with a list a coordinates for the player to figure out where each location is (using alternate GPS app)