Street Tag: Little Pink Bunny (LPB)
Race: Troll
Height: 2.3 meters
Weight: 300kg
Age: 21
Physical Description:
Female troll that stands about 2.3 meters in height and with a solid slim build (for a troll) and long black hair which occasionally needs to be redyed to take away her brown roots. She bares several surgery scars from when she had her wired reflexes installed by some two bit hack body shop job. To hide the scars she wears tattoos all over her body and wears cut off coats and shirts. She usually sports leather and enough ammo to kill any army. Her tattoos range from skulls and crossbones to the decorative flower patterns but on distinctive pink cartoon bunny that is on her right upper arm which she uses as her masoc and excuse to get into bar brawls.
Elizabeth was born in the outer parts of Chicago during the time of the insect spirit infestation. She was your normal kid with aspirations to be a Doctor or a Rock star and favored a pink bunny stuffed animal like it was the last and only thing on earth. It quickly ended when the infestation happened. There was chaos everywhere. Her family was eventually moved out of the city for their safety. The ARES military took it upon themselves to take care of the situation. The truth of the matter is they were one of the 1st groups moved out before there was a city wide quarantine and the guards didn’t check the people. The bug spirit took its time to begin re-infesting a few others. The camp turned into a mini war/quarantine zone where only the few were let out after magic screening. Elizabeth was one of the few. Her family wasn’t. She decided to get back at the bug spirits for her family. So when old enough she joined Ares Macrotechnology to be trained as an elite member of one of the bug killing squads.
She trained to be a heavy fire support specialist and hand to hand combat. With persistence she got her way through the rigorous training and after graduation day in remembrance to her family she got her Little Pink Bunny tattoo and given her tag name as Little Pink Bunny. After several missions within an Ares team she became disingenuous over the team, not staying behind to “finish the job” or disobeying orders to slay extra spirits when ordered to pull back. She became more and more angry about the situation and eventually caused her to get into a fist fight with her superior. Ares eventually had to discharge her and sent her on her way. Many jobs came and a few taken but none ever lead to where she wanted to be, fighting insect spirits. She eventually heard that several runner teams would occasionally encounter spirit swarms and get the chance to wipe out entire hives. Elizabeth decided to jump on the chance of a chance to run into bug spirits rather than fighting metahumanity, and has been running ever since.
Uncouth with a militaristic attitude. Always ready for a fight. Quiet. Never takes mentioning her tattoo of the pink bunny as girly or underwhelming you will get punched in the face.

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