Tuesday, April 10, 2012

This the redesign for the decloaker since we couldn't get the qr scanner working.

Decloaker Objective:

To determine if the number sequence the player has picked is the correct one as well as to display its corresponding model and transform it to the machine part using alpha channels and a particle system. This system will also register the machine part is in the inventory so the player can go and view the item.


Activate the decloaker from the main screen using the Decloaker Button
Screen Appears with a 10 digit keypad and an enter button
Player then enters a 6 digit number indicating the number of an answer model.
Model appears after hitting enter
Player hits the Decloak button.
If the answer is correct the machine part appears, and is registered into the inventory
If the answer is incorrect the model disappears and the a text gui appears saying ”Wrong Answer”
Player can then enter a new number or return to the main screen using the exit button.
Elements Used: 
Number Gui keypad
Alpha cutoff script (Edit; change it scaling scrip that shrinks the answer models and grows the answer model)
Particle System
Script to move Particle System
Three gui buttons
Script to insert items into Decloaker

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