Fantasy Food Production site
Site ReDesign
Original site (out of date, didn't realize it was a real site)
And Here is the final Product:
We were also suppose to come up with Iphone app to go with it.
Final Project
I have always been very interested in Sci-fi, Space travel and the great void in general. I research it, watch media on it and get into fiction involving it. With what seems to be a trend as of late I would like to design a website that promotes a business who's goal is to reach for the stars.
My I will want the front page design to show the space version of a airliner with a stewardess and a pilot smiling a scene of the earth and the sun in the background. I want to go with a more white clean look for the header and a sidebar which holds my links to the other pages. I do want to add in a glint of purple after my favorite airlines (Virgin America). The primary text I want on this page is to go over a sales pitch for using the variety of different ships for any industry usage.
My next page is to go over the different services this company could offer and to whom. In the foreground will be a miner fellow with the back drop being an asteroid orbited by a space station and a simple star field. The text in the site will go over the services the company provides bussing of people, goods, heavy industry transport (Raw materials and machinery), and a Space Cruise. Again the general look will be clean and white with the purple glint.
Page 3 would showcase their designs for their space stations. This scene will be at the moon where you see the moon base, where long distance transportation is more feasible. The earth will be in the background and with the "skyline" of the moon base portrayed in the foreground. On this page the information about the commodities that these bases will/could have.
On my 4th page I want to go over where the company will get its people to work on things, which mostly will be from NASA. The background will be a calash made of several different older ships, such as the USA space Shuttle and other countries vehicles. This page will go over who they want to bring in as well as go over why they feel this company is need to go into space. Though I might change this.
My last page will hold some simple information about careers, information for investors and the company motto and pledge. The scene will be an open meadow angled up showing a ship launching up into the sky.
Our Company is devoted to bringing stable high quality space transportation
and living environments that set a high bar for a competitive upcoming industry
ready to boom.
Our primary starting survives will be to provide comfortable luxurious
shuttling for your every planet to surface needs manned by the top trained
pilots and stewardesses.
Of course you can’t really go into space without destinations and places to go
Surveillance As part of our company, our plans include building several waypoint stations for resting, tourism, and repair facilities for spacecraft that has spent its days in the tortuous
So as you can see I went off the original design but as they say, a plan is only good until you try to implement it. Either way, I am very happy with the way it happens.
Primary Design
Objective: Create a game environment where employers can interact with MATC Graduate students and see the technology MATC students are using to learn how to make games.
Play Through:
Days before Portfolio Night the participating players are emailed to download Voyage of the Argonauts app for the android
When the player enters the the 6th floor and open the app they are promoted to check the radar.
Using the radar they move from hotspot to hotspot, completing the associated quest and solving the riddle to get an answer object.
Once the player gets the answer object they can transform it into a machine part which is placed into the inventory where it is stored until the player gets to the portal
Once at the portal the player "loads" the parts into the play space.
There the player takes the parts and tries to put them together in thee actual portal to win the game.
Once they win the game they are taken to an island where the game ends.
Elements Used:
Database (Inventory)
Particle Systems
Roleplaying Scenarios by LARPers
Various GUI Elements
3D models
Decloaker Objective:
To determine if the number sequence the player has picked is the correct one as well as to display its corresponding model and transform it to the machine part using alpha channels and a particle system. This system will also register the machine part is in the inventory so the player can go and view the item.
Activate the decloaker from the main screen using the Decloaker Button
Screen Appears with a 10 digit keypad and an enter button
Player then enters a 6 digit number indicating the number of an answer model.
Model appears after hitting enter
Player hits the Decloak button.
If the answer is correct the machine part appears, and is registered into the inventory
If the answer is incorrect the model disappears and the a text gui appears saying ”Wrong Answer”
Player can then enter a new number or return to the main screen using the exit button.Elements Used:
Number Gui keypad
Alpha cutoff script (Edit; change it scaling scrip that shrinks the answer models and grows the answer model)
Particle System
Script to move Particle System
Three gui buttons
Script to insert items into Decloaker
To determine if the number sequence the player has picked is the correct one as well as to display its corresponding model and transform it to the machine part using alpha channels and a particle system. This system will also register the machine part is in the inventory so the player can go and view the item.
Activate the decloaker from the main screen using the Decloaker Button
Screen Appears with a 10 digit keypad and an enter button
Player then enters a 6 digit number indicating the number of an answer model.
Model appears after hitting enter
Player hits the Decloak button.
If the answer is correct the machine part appears, and is registered into the inventory
If the answer is incorrect the model disappears and the a text gui appears saying ”Wrong Answer”
Player can then enter a new number or return to the main screen using the exit button.Elements Used:
Number Gui keypad
Alpha cutoff script (Edit; change it scaling scrip that shrinks the answer models and grows the answer model)
Particle System
Script to move Particle System
Three gui buttons
Script to insert items into Decloaker
Main Screen
After Inputting correct code
After transition screen
Screen that appears after the player doesn't get the correct code to input
My idea for the transition screen design
This was the original Design for the Decloaker that involves a QR scanner function within the game, which was cut due to time constraints
Here is the finished product.
This is the final game for the Portfolio Night
To show any employer who makes it through the rest of the game, what technology we are using here at MATC such as the Elluminati Simluation dome and the Kinect
To show any employer who makes it through the rest of the game, what technology we are using here at MATC such as the Elluminati Simluation dome and the Kinect
Player enters into the Dome area
The LARPer "loads" the parts into the dome (resets the inventory of the app and starts the game in the dome)
Using the Kinect, player take the machine parts and makes start building the portal as a puzzle.
Once the player finishes the puzzle the portal activates show the other world to the player.
Player is promoted to walk through the portal to the other world.
Camera zooms through the wormhole to the other world.
Lands on an Island
Credits for Aug Play
Elements Used:
Kinect Controls
PC Controller Controls
Simulation Dome
Particle Effects
animated textures

If the player does not input the code correctly
This is the PS3 controller style for our portal puzzle game we made for a simulation dome.

This is the Kinect controller style for our portal puzzle game we made for the same simulation dome which was cut due to time constraints.

This is the puzzle pieces layout for the puzzles once they load the puzzle game up.
Our Finished Product of the simulation dome with the PS2 controller
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