Thursday, September 27, 2012

This is either going to work or....boom!!

So after much blood spilled and sweat excreted I outlined the design for the prototype. Why would I need to do this...SCOPE!!!! The original design is way to big and an impossible thing to make under a year. To give us a more manageable goal to shoot for so that we have something to show at the end of two semesters. Enjoy!!

Prototype Build:

Prototype Design notes:
Designs should be geared what the combat will be like as if the player was 50% done with the game.

We are building this prototype to test the Combat elements in the game

  • Not including Story
  • Not Including the Larger Universe (Including factions, economy or an exploratory elements)
  • Only including the Scoundrel Archetype
  • Leaving Unnecessary Combat Elements out

Prototype Objective: Provide a combat oriented proof of concept.

Prototype Structure:
Disable a Cargo Ship
Board Said Cargo Ship and find the Target Cargo (+ extra goods for bonus)
Leave Cargo Ship to engage a Military Ship in Space Combat to the Death
Thank Player for Playing

Monday, September 24, 2012

Ship Comparison

I put this on here to help determine the size of space craft that we may want to go with. Some of these ships are just HUGE!! so I don't think  I want to go with them.

Massive Battlecruiser Ship

So as I was driving for my job and looked to my right and saw these beautiful array of clouds that was  flowing and shifting in the magestic twilight of the sunset. So I came up with a concept of a battlecruiser. RAWR!!!

Friday, September 7, 2012


Hey everyone!

School has come around again and boy what a doozy of a couple semesters we have. I am in the capstone class this year, which is the final class to show we can make a AAA game using the Cryengine. Those who had the iniative and the fortitude (trust me it takes a good amount of fortitude) to make a design doc could submit a design to the class have a chance to be selected to be made in this class. Well about seven different projects were submitted and after a rigerous voting process, my project was chosen to be made and the theme of it...Space Pirates!!

Here is the presentation for my submission....there is no audio and obviously I need to be talking during it, but its still pretty easy to understand. Just take into mind that I am wearing an eye patch and making a fool of myself. I had fun doing it though.